Friday, March 7, 2008


Hey there!
I am sorry that it has been so long since I've updated this thing... I admit I have avoided it:)
Anyhow. March has been a crazy, event filled month! It started out with 2 guests from the states coming for a quick 3 day trip to check things out... It was a lot of fun getting to host the gal, and to also get some good "culture shock/stress" chats in... Convoy was able to do distributions of flour and oil to several different villages... here are some pics from one stop...

Yes, there was a line for the mule to haul their sack of flour up the mountain to their homes:)

A teammate and I were also able to put gift bags together for the 50 women who work out at the invalid orphanage for women's day... despite the cultural "serious" pics, they were excited to get their gifts, and to be appreciated for their hard work:)

One week I was also able to go with my friend Shoira out to a village to visit one of her old friends/classmates...

Easter Weekend was also the big "Nav Ruz" Holiday here, the celebration of a new year and the coming of spring.... we went to the park one day, and I was so excited when we found cotton candy:)

Yes, I got a new korta made with the national "adras" pattern, since that is what a lot of women wear around this time of year..

Below is "Similac", which means "30 angels" and is considered to be "pure"'s made from ground up wheat and cooked from 12-24 hours... usually the women in the family or neighbors will get together and rotate around because it has to be stirred constantly.... really interesting process and background